Understanding R S S ,Hindutwabad, Nationalism and it’s relevance to our Nation.

“Understanding R S S ,Hindutwabad, Nationalism and it’s relevance to our Nation”
Dr Mrinal kanti Debnath

(To be completed in parts)


Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is the largest Socio-Cultural-Nationalistic organisation of the present world, which is the least understood, widely criticized both nationally and Internationally since it’s inception in 1925. Most people, who are outside its organisational and ideological ambit are wholly ignorant about it's need for formation, core ideology, necessity and relevance in the present socio-cultural-political (National and International) scenario.

One must, need to understand the organisation before either to like or dislike. An organisation that has more than 6 million active members and over 60 thousands “Sakhas” (daily training sessions) is not an organisation that can and should be dubbed with languages that are commonly used and hate in the manner that so many people do. RSS is too often equated with Nazism and some time anti -Muslim terrorist organisation. Nothing can be far from truth and travesty of truth.

It is a common knowledge that it was established 92 years ago on 25th September by Dr.Kesabh Baliram Hedgewer. But not many knows the history behind his coming  to Calcutta and study Medicine in Calcutta Natinal Medical College to be a Physician. Many accuses RSS  for not taking part in “ National Freedom Movement”, headed by M K Gandhi. These are aspect that need to scrutinized very carefully to understand Doctorji, ( Dr. K B Hedgewar, as he is known in RSS circle). 

In Russia, discontent of the common people against the ‘Totalitarianism’ of the ruling Tsar started from 1905. In the same year, in British India, discontent against the division of Bengal by Lord Curzon, started as a mass movement led by some eminent intellectual luminaries of Bengal. It was successful in a year time .
Russia’s involvement in the First world war caused immense loss of life (over 5 million) and general misery of the common Russians.Many political outfit led the struggle to change the system of Monarchy. Provisional government was formed, which failed. Trotsky’s revolutionary leadership organised the workers, farmers and general mass. Lenin was living in Switzerland returned to Russia, started his leftist ‘Bolshevik party’, but to avoid arrest fled to Finland. There he started reading Marks and “communist Philosophy’, prepared his ‘Communist Manifesto’.
When the ‘civil war ‘began between the pro Tsar ‘White’ and the revolutionaries, who revolted against ‘The Duma’ ( Soviet Parliament) he returned and capitalising Trotsky’s organisational skill broadened the base of his party. He recruited Stalin, a ‘Gang Star’ by profession and cruel in nature to organise ‘Red Army’. Massacre after massacre took place. Lenin seized the power, whole Tsar family was brutally murdered in his order, and absolute “Totalitarianism “of the Bolshevik party was established with ‘Communist ideology’. In the process, more than 2 million Russians were killed. Lenin died in 1924 and Stalin took over and killed another 30 million to eliminate those who did not like the brutal rule by the communists. Stalin believed in the shaping up of the whole world in the fashion of their communism, to establish a Socio-Political system all over the world. In 1991, that dream collapsed. The simple reason was that, that inhumane and anti-human system was thrust upon the common people without there willing participation but by force. Communism practised by Lenin and Stalin was no less inhumane, brutal and totalitarian in nature than the ‘Nazism’ practiced by Hitler.

Any ideology, no matter who propagated it, whether it is political, social, cultural or religious, if it is just one man, one book, ideology propagated by just one person is bound to be intolerant, discriminatory and autocratic and one day that ideology must fall flat on the feet of the people, who follow them. It has happened the world over, happening now and will happen in future. 

In sharp contrast to Fascism, Marxism, Leninism, two simetic religions that propagate a ‘One man show”, the ideology followed by RSS is a whole world apart. That is why it is not a just miracle that, establishing just few years after the establishment of  “Bolshevik Communism” that has ended in the same country where it started within a period of about 90 years, RSS since last 92 years is growing in leaps and bounds, in a country, from where the birth of human value system ,love for all life and the creator’s direct involvement in personal life enlighten was originated almost 10000 years ago. “Vasudeva Kutumbakom”-only can be heard in the RSS circle and in it’s ideology.

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